All MaxOnline customers will enjoy an automatic speed upgrade. From 28 December, MaxOnline 4000 and MaxOnline FlexiSurf 4000 will be upgraded to speeds of up to 6,000Kbps. MaxOnline 6500 will zoom at speeds of up to 12,000Kbps. Absolutely free!
This is yet another speed upgrade which we constantly bring to MaxOnline customers to support your evolving broadband needs.
Simply power off your cable modem and back on again from 28 December to enjoy the free boost in bandwidth.
Currently, i'm using MaxOnline 6500 .. cheers! Haha, but sometimes at night, i felt like i'm using some fucking dail-up or something. Motherfucking lag. -.-"
Checking my speed ..
Click on it to zoom in order to read the words. ^-^