SINGAPORE : The Home Affairs Ministry is planning to introduce legislation on 19 new offences and expand the scope of 19 existing offences in the Penal Code.
Some of these changes are to keep abreast of technological changes which have taken place in the last two decades, such as the internet and mobile phones.
And with these technological changes, there had been new issues and offences by those who abused or used them to commit crimes.
Currently these acts are not covered or prosecuted under related provisions in the Penal Code which do not specifically address these offences.
The last major review of the Penal Code - Singapore's primary criminal legislation - was made in 1984 when mandatory minimum sentences were imposed for offences such as robbery and rape.
Be C-a-r-e-f-u-l of what you blog now. I think i found the website about the newest offences over here .
You know what .. some of the words are so chim, that i went to find what it means at dictionary. LOL. My english that lousy? sob.
Anyway, does anyone know the web that contains ALL the singapore law?