Talk about ...
Guess what am I eating?
Are u guessing it's yummy chocolate, Ferrero Rocher?
Then, you're wrong!
It's Wall's new ice cream, Mini Poppers ~
It's almost 99% similar to Ferrero Rocher, and I'm so addicted to it man . I can eat everyday every moment, but it cost a whopping $6 for a box of 18 lil ice cream . Haha, I'm sucha bimbo .. making a big fuss out of a stupid ice cream .
Brought a body spray from Anna Sui's gal . It smell oh-so-nice .
And it's from Victoria's Secret .
New soya bean milk, Yam milk (it's purpleeee) .. taste nice, not bad .. but boyfriend and mui hate it .
Shop again during work when i was working at Tampines that day .
Could not decide which one to buy so I just brought 2 of them .
Nice ~
But my arm is like fucking big fat large lahhhhhhh . Sobsob, I should really stop eating too much .
Yesterday (14/08, tue), Michelle came to accompany me for dinner .
We went to have japanese food, Ichiban or something . I forgot the name .
It's so filling and she say I can eat alot thought I'm small-sized . Ok, that's explain why i got fat arms cuz I always eat 120% full instead of 70% (the recommend amt) .
Thanks gal once again . I keep on taking pics of food but din't take pic with u . Find one day ya?Labels: cloud nine/happy, food, friends, pictures, random, shopping