Selina / Dollies
7 Oct 1987
And some serious issue about the Milk thingy that really hot lately. How dangerous!! It's not the 1st time China make such inhuman stuffs.
Milk Product affected in Singapore due to China's Milk Situation.
The following items have been recalled due to china's milk situation.
This is real. M&M,Snickers,Mento's Yogurt bottle,Dove Choc,oreo
waferstick,monmilk,dutchlady sterlised milk, Wall's all naturalMango,Minipoppers
ice cream, Magnu, Ice cream, moo Sandwich Ice cReam,minicornetto youcan icecream.
Stores that sell this products was told by AVA to remove them from the store. So
of you have any of this items just throw it away.
Labels: cloud nine/happy, country, narcissistic, news, pictures